Level 1

Flower NameInworldLI
Black Aster353
Black Berry Bush381
Black Calla Lily291
Black Chilli331
Black Daffodil371
Black Daisy353
Black Daylily331
Black Elephant Ear361
Black Hibiscus331
Black Moon Flower321
Black Peace Lily462
Black Periwinkle323
Black Poppy322
Black Rose321
Black Roseish361
Black Snap Dragon411
Black Sunflower342
Black Toadstool291
Black Trumpet422
Black Tulip274
Blood Apple Tree373
Blue Agave362
Blue Aster283
Blue Bamboo321
Blue Berry Bush331


Note: The inworld statistic is the number of that type given via seeds, it does not include flowers that were given out via starter kits, manually or exclude seeds that were declined.

Note: LI is the Land Impact of the plant when it is fully grown.